Broadening My Horizons For Educational Purposes?
I have been trying to get myself back into the twitter world and now the blogging world. I think I am going to make one of those blasted New Year's resolution lists and keep myself as close to it as possible. Maybe you would like to help keep me accountable?
Speaking of twitter. There was a conversation today about "Old King Clancy" and it had me interested, so I moseyed (mosey is a funny word) on over to Urban Dictionary to find out what it meant.
The funny thing about my curiosity is that just last night we were having a conversation about sayings similar to Old King Clancy. I'll let you in a couple of them because I'm just that cool. If you would prefer not to be enlightened (or grossed out) I wouldn't suggest moving ahead in this post. It might get a little sticky for your tastes. (hehe I am a teenage boy, but not really, but sorta)
Rusty Trombone - having someone lick your asshole while giving you a blow job
Donkey Punch - punching someone in the back of the head while performing anal sex on them
Cleveland Steamer - taking a shit on someone's chest
Dirty Pirate - when being given a blow job the guy gizzes in his partner's eye and then kicks her in the shin, so she hops around on one leg with one eye open
Meatball Bulldozer - when a man is able to stick his penis and balls in a woman's vagina at the same time
Ok so I didn't say that was going to be pretty. Funny? Yes. Have I done any of these? No. Have you done any of these? Well...I don't really know that I want to know, but to each his own.
I hope you have not taken offense to this post, because I love you all and hope to see you back again soon. I promise I won't make every post as educational as this one. *wink* Read More
911 Emergency... How May I Direct Your Call
My roommates and I were getting ready to leave the house for a bit and all of a sudden we all heard a woman scream. This was no ordinary oh no I'm being tickled or I have just been frightened momentarily kind of scream. This was a holy shit there is something definitely wrong kind of scream. I was definitely worried.
I was standing outside our front door when I saw an SUV drive by with said screaming girl in it. About 10 seconds later the SUV pulled over across the street and turned off it's light and engine. Weird. The girl continued to scream. She wasn't saying anything, she was screaming like she was in pain or there was something seriously wrong.
My two roommates, two of our neighbor girls and I walked closer to the vehicle without getting too close and just watched and listened. I yelled, "Are you ok?" No response and then there was silence. The girl abruptly stopped screaming. We couldn't see anything because it was dark out and we have no street lights. We listened some more and yelled again to see if she was ok. Still no answer.
I was impatient, so I said, "If you don't answer right now I'm going to call the sheriff's department."
No answer.
So I called 911. I gave the lady my name, address, and told her everything that was going on. Her response, "What city?" I told her, and she told me she had to transfer me to someone else who I then had to tell the entire story to. This poor girl could be being murdered for all we knew and this lady wanted to transfer me? WTF?
The man I spoke to told me he would send someone to investigate and gave me the number to call back and make sure they found this girl.
I waited about and hour and a half and called back. Their response? "We got in contact with someone and everything is fine." The end.
Ummm... that's crazy and I don't know how I feel about that happening in front of where I live, especially since I supposedly live in one of the nicer neighborhoods in Santa Barbara. Read More
Public Speaking
This is my third session here at Brooks Institute and along with my photo class I am taking a public speaking class. I didn't ask to take this class, I'm just that lucky I guess. If you can't sense my sarcasm here you should know that I am totally being sarcastic. I don't mind speaking in public, but there is just some sort of stigma I have associated with speaking in front of a class in which I'm being graded.
I decided to make myself a list of things that would help me with my speech:
- Don't chew gum
- Dress to impress
- Make sure you don't have lipstick on your teeth
- Wear shoes (preferably closed toed)
- Be prepared
- Speak clearly
- Relax... but not so much that you fart because that's no fun for either party
- Do not picture the professor naked (my friend suggested I do this and you know in theory that might be a good idea, but really? I think that would only be distracting and awkward. Just sayin'.)
Note - Last session I was in a group where we had to give a presentation. One of the guys in my group did not wear shoes. He was barefoot. Not cool. The teacher was not impressed and neither was I. I told him if he didn't wear shoes for our next presentation I was going to hurt him. Read More
I just thought I would pop in to give a few friendly bits of etiquette for traveling:
- Do not spray perfume/ cologne on an airplane, train, in a car etc.
- Do not sit on top of me in my window seat to take a picture out the window
- Do not be a creeper and stair in my direction the entire flight even if you're looking out the window (it's creepy and there is a possibility I will punch you in the toothless grin)
- Do not leave your suitcase in the isle so everyone walking by will run into it
- Do not try to sell me your aderol
It's Raining, It's Pouring
So it has been raining here for more than 24 hours. WTF? I'm from northern Nevada where if you don't like the weather you can wait 5 minutes and it's bound to change. I am now in southern California and it's been raining for SO long. I'm not used to be in rain like this. It's a bitter sweet feeling, it truly is.
Love Rain:
- the smell
- just standing in it
- the puddles
- snuggling under a warm blanket
- the puddles
- not having the appropriate clothing/ accessories to go about the day (i.e. rubber boots, umbrella, rain jacket)
- people drive like maniacs
- it's COLD
I miss you all in the blogosphere. I feel like I've been missing out on so much. I only have a week and a half left in this session and then I have a week off. I'm hoping to take that time to catch up on some much needed blogging and blog reading. I'm sure you have all written me off and don't even remember who I am. That's fine. I still miss you. Read More
Bloggers Invade Sin City
I'm not going to lie, I did kind of feel like like an outsider at times looking in on so many people enjoying the company of others, but all in all I think it was worth the 8 hour drive one direction to get there.
About an hour before I arrived in Vegas on Friday I got so nervous I contemplated turning around and going home. I thought to myself what if these people don't like me? What am I getting myself into? Who do I think I am driving 8 hours to a meet up of people that probably don't even read my blog and won't want to after this? You know what? I hope that's not the case and I hope you are all as excited to meet up with me as I am too see you again. If that means I will be the weird awkward one in the group, so be it.
Everyone who attended was so different, yet we had so many things in common, and there was never a lack of good wine or conversation. One of my only regrets is not taking more pictures. Luckily there were so many other people with cameras I don't have to worry about being able to look back and remember the craziness that ensued. Let me also say the pictures I've seen do not even come close to doing these ladies justice. They are all so beautiful and unique in their own ways.
Some things that stick out in my mind about the weekend:
- Kerri being the first and last person I saw the entire weekend.
- Being greeted by Rachel and Andrea in the lobby to go up to the room. Andrea was my super cool room mate for the weekend and she was/is awesome.
- While sitting by the pool with Amanda on Sunday morning waiting for Kerri, we saw a British man dressed as a ninja turtle.
- Having dinner at a buffet with just about all of the bloggers in attendance.
- Getting blisters on my feet the size of toes walking from one end of the strip to the other and back again. (It was worth it.)
- Sharing a cheese plate with Nicole, Andrea, and Doni. Have you ever had a cheese plate? One that includes 7 different kinds of cheeses? One that does not include American or cheddar? OMG, if you have not, you're truly missing out. I felt sophisticated and full at the same time. Nicole - Thank you for not eating my hand when the cheese plate was delivered to the table, I know how much cheese means to you and I am honored that you allowed me to share it with you.
- Wearing shorts with pockets under my dress, so I could keep my phone in my pocket. I was afraid someone was going to steal my purse and I wanted to at least have my phone, so I could call someone and cry. Luckily I came home with everything I left with and some.
When It Rains It Pours
- D's dad passed away Monday, May 18th. He had sleep apnia and passed in his sleep. It has truly been a very sad couple of weeks.
- D's sister's cat died at the vet during a procedure to remove a tooth. We were at the funeral home making arrangements when she found out.
- The air conditioning went out.
- The transmission in D's mom's car is going bad, which means the purchase of a new car for her.
- I have to replace all four tires on my car. That's $500 I could spend in so many other ways.
- I still haven't heard back about my school loan. I have called every weekday since the 15th and every day they tell me "you should call back in 3-5 business days." Eff the 3-5 business days. I want to know right now if you're going to give me money to further my education. Gah!
- I'm sure there is more that I'm not thinking of right now, but I don't want to continue being such a debbie downer. It's times like this that make me appreciate the life we are given and that it needs to be lived to it's fullest.
Oh and another thing... I've been worrying like I do. I've been second guessing myself and whether I want to move to California and be so far away from D. I've been looking into other options and I've gotta tell ya I have myself all flustered. Tomorrow morning I have a meeting with the admissions representative at The Salon Professional Academy to talk about aesthetics. You know like makeup and waxing of the nether regions and good stuff like that. I don't know that I will pursue it, but it's definitely something to look into. Maybe I'm just being too worrisome, but I do have an interest in makeup. For a second I thought it might be a good idea to get my license in aesthetics and work as an aesthetician while going to school. I don't know what will come of it, but I'll be sure to keep you all informed. I know you're sitting on the edge of you're seat waiting to find out. Read More
Show Me the Money
I have received all the financial aid I can with out a private loan. I filled out the FAFSA, I received a scholarship for $2000 from the school, and I applied for and received my stafford loans. The next step is applying for the remainder of the balance as a private loan. I have applied to 3 different lenders and 2 of them have already denied me a loan. The last and final lender says my loan is pending right now and it will take 2 to 3 business days to get an answer. This means I should get an answer Monday or Tuesday. Waiting to find out is practically killing me. If I don't get this loan I won't be able to afford going to Brooks Institute.
I am starting to feel my dream slip away and it's so disheartening. I hope that I can report back early next week that my fears were wrong and I will be packing up soon to go to school. I guess what I'm really doing at this point is hoping for the best, but expecting the worst.
I REALLY want this. I hope the bank doesn't shatter my dream. I'm starting to think about other options, but I'm not going to talk about those at this point because I'm trying to keep a positive attitude. Should the time come that I find out I am declined for my loan I'll cry, and I'll move on. Read More
The Vagina Appointment
So today was the day that I dread all year. I had my yearly exam. Not the kind of exam you have in school, but the exam where the doctor gets to be up close and personal with my vagingo. You can call it whatever you want vagina, vag, va-jay-jay, the hole; I recently heard it referred to as vagingo and I've taken a liking to that.
I know it's not the most horrible thing that can happen to your lady parts, but it's still not the best. The woman I have gone to see for the past 4 years is the sweetest lady and is so gentle. Or as gentle as you can be when poking, prodding, and scraping the inside of your pleasure palace.
After the nurse took my vitals she told me to get naked (with the exception of my socks) and put on the ridiculous butt baring gown and paper blanket. So there I was in my pink, black and white striped socks, pearl earrings, and a piece of paper covering my girly bits. I then heard a knock at the door and a quiet voice says, "are you indecent?" hahahahahahaha I love her! I replied, "yes I sure am!"
She then proceeded to feel on my boobies, and then on to the fun part. And when I say fun I use that term very loosely. Not that I'm loose; wait what? Ok moving on.
She pulled out this thing that's supposed to spread open when placed inside so she can see better. After a few clicks of the spreader she says, "Oh looks like I need to use the other kind of spreader because your cervix isn't turning the right way." I'm sorry what did you just say? My cervix is doing what? Is that something I should be worried about? She then pulled a spreader out of the drawer that looked the exact same as the one she just threw away, but what do I know about vagina spreaders? She then started scooting the new spreader around like she had all the room in the world (which isn't the case, if you were wondering) and she says, "oh I hope I'm not hurting you." I think to myself thanks for the concern and I reply, "well it doesn't feel good that's for sure." At least I have a sense of humor I guess.
Now that my hoohaw is all open and she can see what she's looking for she takes the "spatula" and scrapes until she feels she has the appropriate amount of whatever it is she's looking for. Next is what I like to call the pipe cleaner. The reason I call it that is because the end of it kind of looks like a pipe cleaner and it's meant to poke it's fabulous little head inside your cervix. This tends to cause cramps and is quite uncomfortable which I'm sure you are all aware of; well that is if you're a female or a male gynocologist (which by the way is a little strange if you ask me).
I feel like there should have been a happy ending somewhere in there, I mean with the amount of lube she was using... I'm just sayin'.
In the end she said everything looks good. Umm thanks I guess. I wish I could say the same to her, but I didn't just stare her in the vertical lips.
Anyway...I'm sure this is nothing new to most of you, but I wanted to talk about my vagina and what better place than on my blog? Read More
8 things I look forward to...
1. The weekend.
2. Cake
3. Moving to Santa Barbara for school.
4. Vacations
5. Sexy Time
6. Shopping
7. Spending time with friends and family
8. Long naps
8 things I did yesterday...
1. Slept in.
2. Watched tv.
3. Stayed home from work due to my current sore throat (which I found out is Bronchitis)
4. Asked Andrew to bring me McDonald's and he did.
5. Went to bed early and couldn't fall asleep.
6. Ate a bowl of honey nut cheerios
7. Took a hot shower.
8. Twitter
8 things I wish I could do...
1. Volunteer at the next summer Olympics in London
2. Quit my job
3. Make everyone happy
4. Become a successful photographer
5. Meet several of my fellow bloggers
6. Lick my elbow
7. Sing
8. Cook
8 shows I watch...
1. 24
2. American Idol
3. So You Think You Can Dance
4. House
5. The Office
6. Fringe
7. Scrubs
8. Survivor
Here's the rules, just in case you want to follow them:
1. Mention the name of the person who tagged you.
2. Do the lists of 8.
3. Tag 8 bloggers of your choice.
4. Let them know that they have been tagged!
My 8 bloggers of choice are...
1. Nicole Antoinette
2. Sara McG
3. Shannon
4. Wishcake
5. Ms. Salti
6. Kyla
7. Ashley
8. Emily Read More
I'm Not Allison, Just Pretending For Today...


About a month ago I signed up for a blog swap over on Twenty Something Bloggers… I thought it sounded like fun, so why the hell not?! I’ve seen quite a few of my blog loves do guest posts and host guest posters, but I never really gave it much thought… well, other than, “Jeez, I wonder what you have to do to guest post. And how would I get someone to guest post on my blog. Or do I want anyone to?” So this guy named Jon set up the blog swap and randomly matched everyone with a partner. That’s how I ended up over here, and Allison is over on my blog today.
Allison and I discussed what we should write about and decided to answer this question: How has blogging affected your life, if at all?
Blogging has definitely not changed my life, but it has, shall I say, enhanced it quite a bit. First and foremost, blogging has introduced me to a ton of wonderful people all over the world. Well, not really all over the world, but from the
Secondly, I think it’s pretty funny how attached I’ve grown to my bloggy friends. It’s crazy how much I’ve learned about each of their lives, even though we’ve never met. There are some bloggers out there that I feel I really connect with, and others who’s writing I simply enjoy reading. I’ve never met any of my fellow bloggers (other than my friends that I conned into starting blogs) but there are definitely quite a few of them that I’d love to chill with!
Sometimes I feel like blogging has taken over my life. Especially since I know there are more than just my close friends reading my blog. I feel a sense of obligation to entertain my readers and keep them coming back! I try to blog everyday, and make sure I spend plenty of time reading all of my favorite blogs. If I don’t get to them all on a daily basis, I feel horribly guilty!
Most of the blogs I read religiously, I happened upon by random chance. That whole six degrees of separation is definitely relevant in the blog world. I think a lot of them I found by reading Working Girl, and the rest of the connections have just blossomed from there. So I guess I have Working Girl to thank! Shout out to the girls, WG1 & WG2!
Well, I think that about wraps it up. Thanks for stopping by Allison’s blog, reading my post, and checking her out. She’s pretty hot, huh!? Shhh…. I won’t tell her boyfriend you said so! Now swing over to my blog and check out her post for today!
Mirror Mirror
So here is my photo. Love it or hate it. I didn't primp myself, but I did look to make sure I didn't have any boogers.
What Not to do Whensday
Please don't tease us with a few days of sunshine and beautiful weather just to start snowing again. It's not nice and very deceiving.
I realize the weather is your thing, but it's supposed to be Spring now, the calendar even says so.
How about we make a deal? If you will go ahead with Spring already, I will start saying nice things about you. I think that sounds like a grand idea.
The one with five layers on because she is unsure what the weather has in store for the day Read More
April Fool
This is on a need to know basis and you need to know that at that point in my life I still had not had my period. I knew that it had to come at some time because all my friends were starting to get theirs. Every time I went to the bathroom I would check the toilet to see if I had indeed started with no luck. I wasn't really sure how I would figure it out, but I wanted to be as prepared as possible for it.
This is where April 1st 1996 comes in. It was the end of the school day and I was waiting outside to catch the bus home. I saw a girl I knew get off the bus and walk straight toward me. She leaned in and whispered in my ear, "Allison the back of your pants are all red, I think you started your period." I was mortified. How could that happen to me at school when I was so not prepared for it? She let it sink in for a minute and then squealed, "APRIL FOOLS!" Read More
He Calls it my Muffler
When I first started sleeping over at D's house it came to my attention that I was going to have to use his bathroom at some point for more than just a little tinkle. One day I was sitting on the couch watching tv while D was using the bathroom. All of a sudden I hear him fart. I thought to myself... if I can hear him fart, he can most definitely hear me should I fart.
At this point I had to make a decision... to poo or not to poo. I could drive down the street to my parent's house where I was living at the time to do my business or just suck it up and hope I wouldn't fart myself to death in his bathroom.
The time came when I had to use his bathroom and somehow I knew I was going to have to fart. I decided I had to take the matter into my own hands. Literally. I took some toilet paper, wadded it up, and strategically placed it over my butt hole. You have no idea how perfectly this worked out in my favor. I farted and you could barely hear it.
When I finally told D what I had been doing he told me I was using my muffler. I have long since stopped using the muffler, but I can't help but think about it from time to time when I'm in the bathroom and I have a toot or two.
Read More
I have been trying to figure out for a while now what I want to be when I grow up. I decided that I wanted to pursue photography seriously, so I figured the best thing in my case would be to go back to school.
A while back Ashley posted on her blog about the school her father attended and when I clicked on the link to see the school I instantly fell in love. I guess you could say it was love at first sight.
Ever since that day I have been going back to the school's site thinking about how awesome it would be to become a photographer professionally. I've "met" so many fabulous photographers here on the internet that are for the most part self taught. It kind of makes me jealous that they have learned so much by just going out and doing it. I am more of a hands on, show me and I will do kind of girl. If that even makes any sense at all.
Well...I applied for the professional photography program at Brooks Institute and I found out last night that I was accepted! OMG! OMG! You truly have no idea how completely overcome with excitement I am.
I finally feel like I'm going to do something productive with my life, finish school, and move to a place I've never even visited before. Brooks is in Santa Barbara, CA which is approximately 11 hours (with out traffic) from where I am now. In some ways it seems like a long way, but when I think about the fact that people travel from all around the world to attend school here it makes my commute seem a little insignificant.
Aside from being completely ecstatic about my acceptance I'm also a little sad. Moving to California means leaving behind my family and my man. Of course I will visit and I'm sure they will too, but it will still be incredibly difficult to be away. The photography program at Brooks will take me 3 years of intense work to complete, but it will be so worth it.
I better go, I have a ton of paperwork to fill out and financial aid to find. Wish me luck! Read More
What Not to do Whensday
Why whensday? Because that's how I pronounce it.
Moving along.
For my first post on this subject (because I'm hoping this is a weekly topic) I'm just going to give a random smattering of things that shouldn't be done.
- If you pee on the toilet seat, clean it up. Don't leave it for the next person to clean up.
- Please for the love of all that is holy do not stand really close to the person in front of you in line at a checkout.
- Don't touch the screen of someone else's computer/ laptop with your greasy fingers.
- Don't take yourself too seriously. No one else does.
- Don't do things that make you unhappy, it just doesn't make sense.
Important Issue
"Fidelity": Don't Divorce... from Courage Campaign on Vimeo. Read More
Welcome to Feisty & Freckled
I'm a twenty something born, raised, and currently living in Nevada (not Vegas). I'm an aspiring photographer, I enjoy using my creativity, some may say I'm a little nutty at times, and as the blog name states I am most definitely feisty and freckled.
I hope you will join me in this journey of self discovery, love, loss and eveything else in between. You should most definitely follow me. I know you won't regret it... well you might, but I hope not. If you are on twitter, you should totally follow me there too. If you click on the little blue twitter "t" over to the right it will take you to my page. I also love comments, so you should leave 1 or 5.
Thank you for stopping by and I can't wait to see you back soon. Read More