Posted on 3:31 PM

I'm Not Allison, Just Pretending For Today...

About a month ago I signed up for a blog swap over on Twenty Something Bloggers… I thought it sounded like fun, so why the hell not?! I’ve seen quite a few of my blog loves do guest posts and host guest posters, but I never really gave it much thought… well, other than, “Jeez, I wonder what you have to do to guest post. And how would I get someone to guest post on my blog. Or do I want anyone to?” So this guy named Jon set up the blog swap and randomly matched everyone with a partner. That’s how I ended up over here, and Allison is over on my blog today.

Allison and I discussed what we should write about and decided to answer this question: How has blogging affected your life, if at all?

Blogging has definitely not changed my life, but it has, shall I say, enhanced it quite a bit. First and foremost, blogging has introduced me to a ton of wonderful people all over the world. Well, not really all over the world, but from the US to the UK. I don’t really know anyone in Asia or Africa yet, but don’t doubt that I will someday. I now have bloggy friends that range from right here in Utah, to all the way across the pond.

Secondly, I think it’s pretty funny how attached I’ve grown to my bloggy friends. It’s crazy how much I’ve learned about each of their lives, even though we’ve never met. There are some bloggers out there that I feel I really connect with, and others who’s writing I simply enjoy reading. I’ve never met any of my fellow bloggers (other than my friends that I conned into starting blogs) but there are definitely quite a few of them that I’d love to chill with!

Sometimes I feel like blogging has taken over my life. Especially since I know there are more than just my close friends reading my blog. I feel a sense of obligation to entertain my readers and keep them coming back! I try to blog everyday, and make sure I spend plenty of time reading all of my favorite blogs. If I don’t get to them all on a daily basis, I feel horribly guilty!

Most of the blogs I read religiously, I happened upon by random chance. That whole six degrees of separation is definitely relevant in the blog world. I think a lot of them I found by reading Working Girl, and the rest of the connections have just blossomed from there. So I guess I have Working Girl to thank! Shout out to the girls, WG1 & WG2!

Well, I think that about wraps it up. Thanks for stopping by Allison’s blog, reading my post, and checking her out. She’s pretty hot, huh!? Shhh…. I won’t tell her boyfriend you said so! Now swing over to my blog and check out her post for today!

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Posted on 7:51 PM

Mirror Mirror

I'm pretty much addicted to twitter. I'm sure that most of you are as well. If someone makes a link in their tweet and I have the time it's likely that I will check it out. Lucky for me (or unlucky) I clicked over to Jimaie's blog and she tagged me for a photo challenge of sorts.

So here is my photo. Love it or hate it. I didn't primp myself, but I did look to make sure I didn't have any boogers.
Now it's my turn to pick some people for this fun little tag:

Take a picture of yourself right now.
No primping or preparing.
Just snap a picture.
Load the picture onto your blog.
Tag some people to play along.
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Posted on 6:26 AM

What Not to do Whensday

Dearest Mother Nature ~

Please don't tease us with a few days of sunshine and beautiful weather just to start snowing again. It's not nice and very deceiving.

I realize the weather is your thing, but it's supposed to be Spring now, the calendar even says so.

How about we make a deal? If you will go ahead with Spring already, I will start saying nice things about you. I think that sounds like a grand idea.


The one with five layers on because she is unsure what the weather has in store for the day Read More

Posted on 6:33 AM

April Fool

On April 1st 1996 (give or take a year) I was made a fool. I'm going to backtrack a bit because I think it will help you follow the story.

This is on a need to know basis and you need to know that at that point in my life I still had not had my period. I knew that it had to come at some time because all my friends were starting to get theirs. Every time I went to the bathroom I would check the toilet to see if I had indeed started with no luck. I wasn't really sure how I would figure it out, but I wanted to be as prepared as possible for it.

This is where April 1st 1996 comes in. It was the end of the school day and I was waiting outside to catch the bus home. I saw a girl I knew get off the bus and walk straight toward me. She leaned in and whispered in my ear, "Allison the back of your pants are all red, I think you started your period." I was mortified. How could that happen to me at school when I was so not prepared for it? She let it sink in for a minute and then squealed, "APRIL FOOLS!" Read More