So it has been raining here for more than 24 hours. WTF? I'm from northern Nevada where if you don't like the weather you can wait 5 minutes and it's bound to change. I am now in southern California and it's been raining for SO long. I'm not used to be in rain like this. It's a bitter sweet feeling, it truly is.
Love Rain:
- the smell
- just standing in it
- the puddles
- snuggling under a warm blanket
- the puddles
- not having the appropriate clothing/ accessories to go about the day (i.e. rubber boots, umbrella, rain jacket)
- people drive like maniacs
- it's COLD
I miss you all in the blogosphere. I feel like I've been missing out on so much. I only have a week and a half left in this session and then I have a week off. I'm hoping to take that time to catch up on some much needed blogging and blog reading. I'm sure you have all written me off and don't even remember who I am. That's fine. I still miss you. Read More